everything is practice
Curated by Steve Juras and Kyle Fletcher in collaboration with Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble
Fulton Street Collective
Repetition is an elementary part of the artistic process. Whether an artist works in a series or creates a unique work, specific ideas, processes and actions are repeated over and over again. It within this unending cycle that conceptions of sameness and difference, growth and decay and success and failure emerge to inform the completed work.
Participating visual artists:
Joshua Longbrake, Todd Siegel, Zach Hobbs, Jonathan Armstrong, Erin McGuire, Loni Diep, Bobby Tirelli, Margaret Knapik and James Warfield.
Participating performers:
Melissa Talleda and Lisa Leszczewicz for Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble along with Emma Casey, Graham Brown and Brittany Brown.